This Company Will Pay Expenses for Employees to Adopt a Pet!

It would be cool if more companies could follow in The Zebra's foot steps! The Zebra is an insurance comparison site, and they've made a statement saying they will cover "expenses up to $300 annually for employees welcoming a new cat or dog." The annually part is especially awesome as most animals need to make at least yearly vet trips that for my dogs never come out under $100 each, not to mention any unexpected visits for other issues they may have. The Zebra is going even further though and is offering "pawternity" leave where employees will get paid time off when they first get their new pet to bond and make sure they're trained! Also would have loved this during the potty and crate training period where my pups had us up in the middle of the night to go! Click the link in the tweet below to read more and check out my two dogs (and my husband) below that!

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