This "Ghost Baby" Photo Has A Hilarious Explanation

A mom posted a picture of what looked like a creepy ghost baby on the monitor in the crib with her actual baby, and it blew up online before she realized the hilarious and totally not haunted explanation. She took a screen grab of the weird image on the monitor and sent it to her husband who said it was probably their son's drool, but when she went in to check with a flashlight there was no wetness or anything she could see. She shared the picture in a moms group on Facebook before going to bed herself, then in the morning was shocked to see how many responses it got so she went in to investigate the ghost baby in the daylight. All it took was pulling back the sheet to see her husband hadn't put the mattress protector back on when changing the sheets so a tag with a baby's face on it was peaking through in the monitor light!! You have to see the photos for yourself, because I would have been freaked out not knowing too! Click the link in the tweet below to check it out!!

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