The Best Time to Return Christmas Gifts

The National Retail Foundation (did you know this was a thing? I didn't know it was a thing) broke down the best and worst times to make returns this holiday season. They found that about two-thirds of shoppers make at least one return this time of year and if you want to avoid the crowds it's best to go right when the stores open, typically around 10am. They also found that Sunday mornings are when you will hit the smallest crowds, but New Year's Day is also a great time to go since most people partied or stayed up late the night before and are not out and about running errands. However, the WORST time to go return a gift would be today, December 26th! A lot of people plan to do this so they get it over with and don't forget about it, plus a lot of people are still off work and done with family obligations so it's a really busy day! Click the link in the tweet below for even more break downs of the best and worst times to return gifts! 

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